Chaenorhinum crassifolium (Cav.) Kostel. var. pityusicum Font Quer


Genus: Chaenorhinum

Sinònims: Chaenorhinum origanifolium (L.) Kostel. subsp. pityusicum (Font Quer) Romo

Province distribution: Balearic Islands.

Distribution in the islands: Ibiza. Formentera.

General distribution (Phytogeography): West Mediterranean

IUCN Category: LCLeast concern

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Chameophyte.

Habitats: Rock crevices and cliff faces. Rocky surfaces and dry stone walls. Rock creviceses and cliff faces.

Characteristics: A small shrub that lives in the rock crevises of the Pitiusses. The stems, very fragile, are covered with fleshy leaves. The flowers are disproportionally large in comparison with the size of the plant, are blue with a yellow throat. Flowers from the month of April up and all through the summer. When in flower, it is unmistakeable. Another speices of this genus in the islands is Chaenorhinum formenterae, which is an annual and lives in sandy soils.

Observations: The taxonomic value of the var. pityusicum is uncertain and further studies are needed.