Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) G. L. Nesom


Genus: Symphyotrichum

Sinònims: Aster squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron.

Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Barcelona. Castelló. Girona. Lleida. Tarragona. València.

Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Menorca. Ibiza. Formentera.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Neotropical

IUCN Category: LCLeast concern

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Terophyte.

Habitats: Cultivated fields, path and road sides, disturbed zones. Path and road sides, disturbed zones.

Characteristics: A very frequent herb along any path- or road-side, and also in very disturbed areas and in farmland. It has an erect stem which is very branched at the top half of the plant, reaching up to one metre in length. It has leaves with a linear margin which are dark green like the whole plant. In contrast to other compositae species which live in the same habitats (genus Conyza) this one does not have any pilosity. The capitula are very small, but you can easily notice that the external flowers are ligulate. It flowers from the end of summer to winter. It is a species introduced from America.