Avellinia festucoides (Link) Valdés & H.Scholz


Genus: Avellinia

Sinònims: Avellinia michelii (Savi) Parl.

Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Barcelona. Girona. Lleida. Tarragona. València.

Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Menorca. Ibiza. Formentera.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Mediterranean

IUCN Category: LCLeast concern

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Terophyte.

Habitats: Therophytic calicole fields. Therophytics communities.

Characteristics: A small Gramene (generally less than 10 cm) which lives in small terophitic meadows (of annual plants) in clearings in garrigues (Mediterranean woodland). We can suspect it is this species when we see its short, very concrete inflorescence, which is smooth to the touch. It can be found together with other small Gramenes typical of these habitats, for example Lophochloa cristata, this specific one has a wider, cylindrical inflorescence which is slightly rough to the touch. Either way, it is worth confirming the decision with a key. It flowers at the end of spring.