Aloysia citrodora Gómez Ortega & Palau


Genus: Aloysia

Sinònims: Lippia triphylla (L'Hér.) O. Kuntze

Catalan common name: Herba lluïsa.

Spanish common name: Hierba cidrera. Hierba de la princesa. Hierbaluisa.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Neotropical

Uses and properties: Medicinal.

Life-forms: Macrophanerophyte.

Habitats: Garden plants. Cultivated specie. Gardens

Characteristics: Lemon verbena (Herb Louise) is a shrub with lanceolate leaves which are nearly 10 cm long and are gouped in threes; it is unmistakeable due to its strong smell that slightly resembles lemon. The flowers are small, liliaceous, grouped in branched inflorescences at the top of the stems. It is a plant native to the tropical America, it is cultivated in gardens for its medicinal properties and because it is an aromatic plant. It flowers at the end of spring and in summer.