Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten.
Genus: Muscari
Catalan common name: All de bruixa. Barrallets. Calabruixa. Cap-blaus. Claus de Nostre Senyor. Collblau. Lliri d'ase. Marcet.
Spanish common name: Cebollita de milano. Nazarenos. Penitentes.
Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Barcelona. Castelló. Girona. Lleida. Tarragona. València.
Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Ibiza.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Some regions
IUCN Category: Least concern
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Geophyte.
Habitats: Cultivated fields, path and road sides, disturbed zones. Cultivated fields, path and road sides.
Characteristics: The flowers of this plant are dark blue, with completely joined petals; they all appear in groups, hanging from the top of a leaf-stalk which seems to come up from the ground, actually it is grows from an underground bulb. The leaves are linear, narrow and often stay lying on the ground. It flowers in spring; this feature allows us to distinguish it from Muscari parviflorum which flowers in autumn. On the other hand Muscari comosum is much larger and has erect, sterile flowers at the top of the inflorescence which distinguish it without problems from Muscari neglectum. It lives in dry fields and along path-sides.