Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco
Genus: Araucaria
Catalan common name: Araucària. Arbre de pisos.
Spanish common name: Pino de Norfolk. Pino de pisos.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Australiana
Life-forms: Macrophanerophyte.
Habitats: Garden plants. Gardens.
Description: An evergreen tree with a pyramidal look, which can reach up to 50m in height. The branches form tiers up the main crown. The primary branches are horizontal, arranged in tiered verticils. These branches are densely covered in leaves which grow in all directions. The leaves are of two types: subulate and triangular, like a scale stuck on the secondary branch, but without pricking and all the ones on the same secondary branch are the same shape and size.
Observations: It is greatly appreciated as an ornamental plant. It is very typical of this species for whole secondary branches to be broken off, looking like small snakes.
Origin: Norfolk Island