Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull
Genus: Calluna
Catalan common name: Brossa. Bruguera. Bruguerola.
Spanish common name: Biércol. Brecinilla. Brezo.
Province distribution: Barcelona. Castelló. Girona. Lleida. València.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Cosmopolitan and subcosmopolitan
Uses and properties: Medicinal.
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Chameophyte. Nanophanerophyte.
Habitats: Tree heather maquis and silicolous garigues.
Characteristics: At home in moors and acidophilic thickets (which it can end up predominating), also found in forest clearings, abandoned fields and peat bogs. A tree with leaves sessile, opposite and decussate, disposed in an imbricate formation in 4 rows. The inflorescences have a callice at the base formed by 4 bracts. The calyx is formed by 4 petaloid pieces, all violet in colour. The corolla is smaller than the calyx, bell shaped and pink in colour. This plant can be found from sea level to the high mountain regions.