Betula pendula Roth
Genus: Betula
Catalan common name: Beç. Bedoll. Bedoll comú.
Spanish common name: Abedul. Abedul blanco.
Province distribution: Barcelona. Girona. Lleida.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Eurosiberian
Uses and properties: Edible or foodstuffs. Furniture, construction and tools. Medicinal.
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Macrophanerophyte. Semicaducifolious.
Habitats: Fir forest and beech forest. Pinus sylvestris forest.
Characteristics: Deciduous forests, not very dense and clearings of moist forests. Generally forms part of mixed forests, but in some cases can arrive to be the predominate species. A monoaceous deciduous tree up to 30 m in height. Has a whitish and papery bark. The leaves are ovate-deltoid, biserrate, glabrous and acuminate. The flowers are grouped in unisexual aments or catkins. The males are pendulous and elongate, with a scaly perianth. The females are cylindrical and the flowers have no perianth whatsoever. The fruit is a winged achene.