Agrostis rupestris All.


Genus: Agrostis

Catalan common name: Agrostis rupestre.

Spanish common name: Agrostis rupestre.

Province distribution: Barcelona. Girona. Lleida.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Boreo-alpine

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Hemicryptophyte.

Habitats: Alpine grasslands. Mesophyll mountainous grasslands. Rocky surfaces and dry stone walls.

Characteristics: Especially in high mountain mesophilic acidified pastures. This perennial grass can be distinguished from other Agrostis by in convolute leaves, glumes the same or less than 3mm, spikelets 2.5 to 5 mm and an absent or lacking superior glumella.