Aconitum napellus L.


Genus: Aconitum

Catalan common name: Acònit blau. escanyallops. herba tora. matallops blau. tora. tora blava. xiuet.

Spanish common name: Acónito común. Acónito vulgar. Aconito-matalobos. Acónito-napelo. vedegambre azul.

Province distribution: Barcelona. Girona. Lleida.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Boreo-alpine

Uses and properties: Medicinal.

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Hemicryptophyte.

Habitats: Megaforbic communities. Mesophyll mountainous grasslands.

Characteristics: Megaforbic grasslands with a ruderal tendency, inhabiting the subalpine belt of the Pyrenees. A plant that grows to 1 m in height. The flowers are composed of five blue tepals: the superior is in the shape of a helmet and covers the two laterals; the two inferior tepals are smaller and exserted.