Erythrina crista-galli L.
Genus: Erythrina
Catalan common name: Eritrina cresta de gall. Flor del coral.
Spanish common name: Árbol del coral. Ceibo. Cresta de gallo.
General distribution (Phytogeography): South America
Uses and properties: Furniture, construction and tools. Symbolic uses.
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Macrophanerophyte.
Habitats: Garden plants. Gardens.
Characteristics: A small deciduous tree that can reach 10 m. The branches are spiny, same as the leaf petiole, which bears trifoliate leaves a dark green in colour. The folioles are oblong-lanceolate and 10-15 cm. in length. The flowers are very showy, large (up to 5 cm. in diameter), dark red in colour and bound around the seeds.
Observations: This plant bears the Argentine national flower.