Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. inexpectans Lovis
Genus: Asplenium
Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Girona.
Distribution in the islands: Mallorca.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Europa
IUCN Category: Least concern
Life-forms: Hemicryptophyte.
Habitats: Rock crevices and cliff faces. Rocky surfaces and dry stone walls. Rock creviceses.
Characteristics: A fern with leaves reaching 12 cm. in length. Lamina is lanceolate in form, pale green in colour with asymmetric, rectangular pinnae, with the terminal pinna larger than the rest. Can be distinguished from Asplenium trichomanes subsp. Quadrivalens, in this latter species, the pinnae are not so dentate and the Terminal pinna is smaller than the others. Four to ten small sori per pinna, each more long than wide, with a univalulate indusium.