Agave angustifolia Haworth


Genus: Agave

Spanish common name: Espadín. Marginata.

General distribution (Phytogeography): North American

Uses and properties: Edible or foodstuffs. Furniture, construction and tools.

Life-forms: Phanerophyte.

Habitats: Garden plants. Gardens.

Characteristics: An acauline plant with leaves lanceolate, fleshy, rigid and long (120 cm.), pale green in colour. The margin teeth are small, curved and spadiform. The terminal spine is dark brown in colour, approximately 3 cm. in length, stiff and nondecurrent. The inflorescence is 3 to 5 m. in height, with 10-20 ramifications and yellow flowers are united in umbels.

Observations: Many varieties have been described for this species, of which vary mainly in the width, colour and leaf margin teeth.