Genista majorica Cantó & M.J. Sánchez
Genus: Genista
Sinònims: Genista cinerea Vill. subsp. leptoclada (Willk.) Bolòs & Vigo
Catalan common name: Ginesta. Ginestell.
Spanish common name: Hierba de la sarna. Hiniesta. Retama.
Province distribution: Balearic Islands.
Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Dragonera.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Mediterranean (Balearic)
IUCN Category: Least concern
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Nanophanerophyte.
Habitats: Rock crevices and cliff faces. Rock creviceses and cliff faces.
Characteristics: A shrub which lives in the cracks in the rocky walls of Mallorcan mountains. It has many long, thin branches; the leaves are very small and spear-shaped. It flowers in a spectacular way in spring dyeing the peaks in the Serra (mountain range) yellow. When it flowers, it can be mistaken from afar for the rocky violet (Hippocrepis balearica), but close up they are two very different plants even though both belong to the same family: Papilionacea. This plant is also known as Genista majorica.