Xolantha guttata (L.) Raf.
Genus: Xolantha
Sinònims: Helianthemum guttatum (L.) Mill. Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourr.
Catalan common name: Estepa gotejada.
Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Barcelona. Castelló. Girona. Tarragona. València.
Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Menorca. Ibiza. Formentera.
General distribution (Phytogeography): Mediterranean
IUCN Category: Least concern
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Terophyte.
Habitats: Therophytic calicole fields. Therophytic silicolous fields. Fields, pine woodlands and therophytic communities.
Characteristics: An annual cycle herbaceous species that lives in terraphytic fields, preferably over soils without carbonates. Has a leaf rosette and forms an upright fertile stem that bears opposite leaves, fewer the closer to the inflorescence and these leaves are alternate. Leaves are ovate and have three nerves that run along the base of the apex. Flowers are relatively large, with five yellow petals that generally have a black spot at the base. All other Cistacea present in the Balearic Islands are woody plants. Flowers throughout the spring.