Anisantha rubens (L.) Nevski subsp. rubens


Genus: Anisantha

Sinònims: Bromus rubens L.

Province distribution: Alacant. Balearic Islands. Barcelona. Castelló. Girona. Lleida. Tarragona. València.

Distribution in the islands: Mallorca. Menorca. Ibiza. Formentera.

General distribution (Phytogeography): Mediterranean

IUCN Category: LCLeast concern

Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Life-forms: Terophyte.

Habitat: Therophytic communities. Road sides.

Characteristics: This Gramene lives in herbaceous communities in clearings in garrigues (Mediterranean woodland), also along path-sides. It is small, with a compact, erect panicle, which is typically violet-red in colour; when it is almost dry the awns bend outwards. It can be mistaken for Bromus fasciculatus, which is on the whole a bit smaller, and has very narrow leaves (up to 2 mm).