Chorisia speciosa St. Hil.
Genus: Chorisia
Catalan common name: Corísia.
Spanish common name: Árbol botella. Chorisia. Corisia morada. Palo borracho rosado. Samuhú.
General distribution (Phytogeography): South America
Flowering time: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Life-forms: Macrophanerophyte.
Habitats: Garden plants. Urban gardens.
Description: A deciduous tree reaching 5-15m in height, with a thorny trunk which is frequently wider at the base; it has smooth, greenish bark, with some longitudinal striation. The leaves, 6-7cm long and 3.5-4cm wide, have a petiole which is 6-12cm long and 5-7 obovate leaflets; they have a serrated margin, are acuminate and glabrous. The flowers have petals 8-12cm long, ranging in colour between pinkish-white and pinkish-purple, with darker stripes on the petals.